Monday, July 13, 2009

Everyone, meet...♥

this little guy! =D i made him yesterday but before I made this cute little guy mom and I made a monkey and it came out sort of okay haha. Needs some eyes and mouth for more personality xD but this one I made by myself and I like his yellow button eyes ^_^ I just need to make his mouth out of something...hmmm... and does anyone have any ideas for a name for him? I can't think of one :O


Anonymous said...

It's because I adore your blogspot therefore I became your follower. :D
I'm french, I hope that my english is not bad :S
Thanks, your pictures are beautiful and you are really pretty too!
Do you have a facebook? :)

Little Bo Peeep said...

Awww cute little fuzzy thing! :)

Unknown said...

awwww cute. can you name him maxwell? a little brother for my dog koffy. hihihi. At least the name's masculine enough to make up for his lost body. hihihhii. cute. and can you give him some hair too. like 3 to 4 strands will make him much cuter.