Saturday, June 6, 2009

Something to read & laugh...♥

Just recently I found this book I bought for Junior year of high school and I used it so that my friends and I could all write in it our silly stories, memories, jokes, silly things and quizzes and surveys we made up. I was reading it all yesterday and I just started cracking up. It is so funny to see what we wrote and used to be like. I realized how we changed, how what we wrote what we were going to do in the future came out to be partially true for some and not for others. It's been 4 years since we wrote in the book and I really love this because it is something I can look back to and remember the friendship and trust we all had. Have any of you ever tried making a friend journal in which you write down things and pass it down to your next friend? You should try it if you haven't. It'll be something great to have and look back to later on in the years. Above is a brief preview of some of the pages in our journal.


Laura Mullins said...

Aw, these are the best things to come across!! We didn't have a journal, but my two best friends and I wrote SO many notes back and forth in ninth and tenth grade, many of which are stored here at my house. In fact, I'll have to look for those this summer... (: That's so fun that ya'll still have the journal!

paddle to shore said...

I did this in HS as well, so many great memories are written in that book!

. said...

A star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma that is held together by gravity.

Nikolett said...

Ah, this is adorable and such a nostalgic post. I used to do the same things with friends, though ours were always on the back of scraps of pieces of paper. Are you still friends with the people you were with back then?